EMS- Emergency Medical Services, a system that provides emergency medical care.
Tactics- an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.
EMS Tactics is the premier source for educating prehospital professionals.
We offer entry level training for Emergency Medical Responders up to advanced certification and continuing education for specialty-certified Paramedics.
Our cadre of faculty are all seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of experience and are selected because of their ability to teach with enthusiasm and clarity. EMS Tactics prioritizes the success of its students.
Dr. Scott Warner is the founder and medical director of EMS Tactics. He began his career as an EMT and has devoted his career to the advancement of EMS. He holds board certifications in EMS Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Disaster Medicine and is actively practicing prehospital EMS and tactical medicine. His wealth of real world experience and university teaching experience result in unparalleled curriculum and faculty development.
Under Dr. Warner's leadership, the previous EMS agency he was Medical Director for
1. was the first and only ground ambulance in state of Alabama to be critical care certified, the others are helicopter-based
2. was the only EMS agency in the U.S. with a medical director triple board certified in EMS Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Disaster Medicine.
3. was along the very first ambulance services in the State that was able to transmit an EKG from the field. In 2009, we added ten Philips 12 Lead EKG’s for our ambulances which gave us the capability to transmit (in real time) the EKG to any ER. Because of our success it is now commonplace.
4. was the 1st agency in our State to implement a STEMI destination protocol relying on paramedic interpretation of EKGs.
5. conducted a trial study of CPAP use and was one of the first ambulance services in the state to acquire CPAP machines for all of their fleet. Many times these machines keep a patient from being intubated and placed on a ventilator. We are the only
6. was the only EMS agency in the State to have published such a review article in peer-reviewed medical literature. Subsequent to this success, it is now statewide requirement of all ALS ambulances.
7. was one of only a handful of EMS agencies in State to implement practices recommended by the National Association of EMS Physicians Position Statement on Clinical Field Supervision of EMS Providers and the NAEMSP Position Statement on Physician Oversight of Emergency Medical Services. with medical director equipped and available to respond to emergency incidents in his jurisdiction.
8. was recognized by the State as one of the first ambulance services to go live with the state-wide trauma system. Dr. Warner sat on the OEMS/state health department advisory committee for North Alabama during the implementation.
9. was the 1st EMS in our state to implement a hypothermia protocol for cardiac arrest survivors according to American Heart Association guidelines.
10. was the first EMS to use humeral site IO insertion. Because of our success it is now statewide.
11. was the first EMS agency to add sensory kits for children with autism spectrum disoders to all ambulances in 2020.
This is the place for serious EMSP learners who wish to see measurable expansion of their knowledge base and psychomotor skill set. Our graduates have been recognized as achieving high pass rates on specialty certifying examinations.
We welcome students who are ready to move to the next level of our profession. If that's you... please check out our course schedules.
Because we are focused on your success, our class sizes are limited to less than 16 for most in-person classes- so early registration is advised. We will offer many of our most popular classes on-line to accomodate wait lists.

Training Offerings

Upcoming Classes- Registration Open
400 US dollarsEnded
400 US dollarsEnded
400 US dollars